Dear "Letter to the Editor" Editor October 22, 2010
herewith is a note regarding the upcoming Elections:
Do you remember the great Crusade in 1980 of the third party alternative to the main parties ? John Anderson swung thru the University of Minnesota when I was a Physical Chemistry grad student there, so for a diversion from studies I walked out of Smith Hall and joined the large crowd of folks listening to a politician who had actually come on campus. He gave an inspiring speech about how different he was from the traditional Republican and how voting for him would improve the "malaise" of Carter's difficulties. Truth is that anyone who was swayed to throw away their vote on him had absolutely NO EFFECT on the course of U.S. History (except to the extent he drew away votes from Democrats, thereby helping to elect Reagan ! ) The so-called "Tea Bag" movement seems quite the same sort of stupidity, except that many of these "inspired" rejectionists seem much less moderate and quite towards the extreme end of the spectrum. Not surprisingly, perhaps, when one of their leaders (Palin) is married to someone who wants to succeed from the United States ! (and many of whom foot-soldiers seem more like the KKK than USA). This, however, is not un-american in the sense that if people in this country want to follow the path of Adolph Shiklegruber they should be allowed that free will (non-violently, of course). What is so insidious about this movement however; and how it feeds into the Republican party's power-lust lies in the SECRECY of it's funding - along with the 9:1 ratio of "non-profit interest group" advertising that just happens to flow to the right-wing (GOP) candidates. There is an interesting article in the September 10th issue of the New Yorker magazine which documents extreme amounts of money poured into anti U.S. governance - by the people propaganda from those so far-right on the fringe that unlike responsible Republicans who admit that one should pay SOME level of taxation to fund a civilized society, claim that the "Liberty-arian" way is to just let the super-rich keep every penny they "earn" and leave "theLord's Downtrodden" to die in the streets. (Even if their "honest-earned" bucks were inherited from a Stalin-supporting father !! - like Chuck Koch.) This rather offends someone like myself who worked hard in High School in order to attend Mr. Jefferson's University rather than being forced to an anti-intellectual campus like Brigham Young's University (particularly in the 70's). One hardly has to wonder whether such "behind-the-scenes" operators are not the REAL "enthusiasm" of the right-wing this year. Such influence is not new, of course. Reagan was the recipient of much of the largest multi-national corporate contributions who received their return on investment when he "de-regulated" so much of our economic system that we are now suffering the worst economic slowdown since the Depression. His (and the carbon-copy Bush brothers) "trickle-down" economic presumption was that the "Christian-hearted" corporate masters would share their excess profits with their employees thru the "goodness of their hearts". But such rhetoric seems to draw near to moral leadership with words that are RARELY realized in actions. Other benefits of "D (which sometimes stands for Death)-regulation" include excessive waits at airports without adequate Air Traffic Controllers, Oil well disasters in the Gulf (including 11 dead) thanks to obscene profits which cover all "slap-on-the-wrist" penalties for murdering workers in a Texan refinery a few years ago and treating my grand-father's mining colleagues' lives as so much "collateral damage" while destroying God's verdant West Virginia (Blankenship seems to rank with the above traitors to "God & Country").
One of the most powerful lessons I gleaned from my association with U.Va. and it's founder was the importance of respect for, and separation of, individuals' moral conscience/religious beliefs from the governing state. In fact one of the biggest draws of many U.S. citizen's ancestors was the establishment by Jefferson of the Virginia Free Religion statute which firmly established this liberty for the individual (later incorporated into our founding documents) which was such a quantum leap for civilization over the stupidity of "religious wars" that had been bleeding Europe for centuries. A most obvious perversion of this quintessential American value has of late been promulgated by the neo-fascist Australian-U.K. Tory Tory Tory Rupert Murdoch's propaganda machine (fox so-called "news") thru a most anti-Mormon enemy of our Constitution, Glenn Beck. As a formal "elder" in the church (though hardly active) who served the sacrament to the honorable Senator Arthur Watkins (who sacrificed his political career to censure Joe McCarthy's earlier dispensation of neo-fascist treason) as well as brother Bennett (who was just given a "Carthage Jail" send-off by the tea-party for not being extemist enough ! - believe me this is "clinical political behavior"); I find it rather insane that a member of the church which was driven OUT of this country by intolerant hypocrites after they murdered Joseph Smith should practice the exact same sort of half-baked "analysis" and deception to denegrate those who truly defend the Constitution of the United States - the Jeffersonian Democrats like Senate leader, BROTHER Harry Reid. It seems not all "secret combinations" lie outside the membership ?!! If "brother Beck" really gives a fig about the Constitution he should investigate it's death in 1987 when Cocaine-for-Death Squads under the Bonzo-George Bush-Claire George-Dewey Claridge mafia claimed that the Nicaraguan campesinos were funding their own murderers !!! order to DECEIVE the American people (The "Contras" = esquadrones de las muertas killed more civilians than combatants, in fact.) If the media had reported what Senator John Kerry exposed in his appendix to the Iran/Contra official government report regarding the (Benedict Arnold Oliver) North notebooks and narcotics funding for the Contras the rule-of-law would still obtain in this back-water, because Reagan-Bush would have been run out of town on a rail faster than Nixon (since their crimes were even worse). The fact was, though, that by '87 the media had been so prostituted thru purchase of the "nightly news" networks by right-wing mutli-nationals like General Electric that the only place one could find the whole truth was in the (intellectual labor required) printed word - like FORMER CBS news-woman Leslie Cockburn's Out of Control treatise which fully documented mega-levels of Treason). This destruction of the easiest access to information in our country (the seven o'clock TV news) occured about 15 minutes after another TRUE Mormon's last gasp of Candor - the Frank Church committee's exposure of Nixonian era crimes - which turned out to be much worse than what the "radical left" had been pointing out for years. (Mammon don't like the truth - and will pay mucho to prevent it getting around.) Fox's Murdoch gained undue influence in the U.K. by exposing bare-breasted tarts on his slimy tabloid "papers" in order to obtain/pervert the "broadsheet" influential papers, eventually. Here, he has bankrolled some quality entertainment shows to draw lazy minds into watching his pathetically slanted right-wing brain-washing (Goebbels type technique, I believe). Indeed, whores and pimps like Beck and Koch are out to "save" us from evil like Health care reform. The sort of evil that might have saved my mother's life, Sister Jenny Irene Ferber (nee Czu) in 1995 when the Insurance Industry murdered her (Kaiser Permanente) to save the cost of determining whether her esophegeal cancer had spread after she went thru the torture of treatment for that disease. A disease she received from the second-hand smoke she inhaled at her job helping the poor in our community (because everyone knows Cancer NEVER spreads, does it ? - musta made some executive an extra hundred bucks or so). Yeah, "brother Beck", spew on Mammon's regurgitation, but don't make plans for the highest world - I have FAITH in just justice - and your servitude to evil will be heavy in the Balance, that's for sure ! (I'm just sayin') Hip-Hip-Hyp-O-Crites have a season in HELL. The hell of all beings knowing your deeds, at least.
BTW regarding a previous wing-nut for the neo-facist right. I was thinking that Rush Limburger's "followers"/victims might more accurately call themselves the Do-Do heads (not Ditto) since after Hiroshima, anti-intellectual enemies of the WHOLE TRUTH (the only REAL one) obstruct COMPETENT leaders from doing what must obtain if we are to SURVIVE as a SPECIES on this one inter-related pollution threatened planet with Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons - which makes the value of ALL money just so-much anthropology data for an evolved cockroach in a million years if we blow it, all for a few pieces of silver !!! The Do-Do is an EXTINCT fat bird which forgot how to fly (& certainly was no raven genius). For those too lazy to add two plus two (Noncompos), we also don't want to "bring on" extinction irresponsiblity because that would almost certainly give Job's adversary the winning card in their BET w/God regarding the worthiness of Humankind's continued existence !!! by truth.
Shalom/Salaam/SURVIVAL in today's world.
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Ph.D. Chemistry
Washington Temple Visitor ~1990 while my parents were helping open the Polska Mission after a stint near Cabrini Greens in Chi-town
(Only) Mobile Phone 571-499-8069
"Work" phone is same - since I'm writing papers out of my Dissertation in prep for a Post-Doc search
If you voted for CHANGE - don't let it's enemies make a "T"(wit) out of YOU !!
Dear "Letter to the Editor" Editor October 28, 2010
herewith is a note regarding the upcoming Election
If you voted for CHANGE two years ago - recognize that the enemies of change have obstructed it since the Democrats lost two Senators, thru the GOP's filibuster refusal to do anything for the Country - except to "SAY NO" ! What perhaps we should exercise is the MATURITY to accept that those who "draw near to fiscal responsibility" with their words - but have driven our economy to ground & Government spending to record debt thru Dick Cheney's Oil Company (cheap gas) War in Iraq "with their Actions" are nothing new, but the same old lies in a brand new bottle !! Especially those who claim to be something different than the same old right-wing who, in fact are funded by the same old special interests of multi-national corporate greed for the few while threatening the health & safety of all of us (the puppets calling themselves the tea - or is it the "T"wit party !) These simpletons have hijacked one of the most honorable post-Ford's theatre Republicans (where the moral conscience of that party died), Teddy Roosevelt's call for the destruction of the party of privilege and treason (to the "common people") such that a better alternative might emerge (his "Bull Moose" party concept). His idea was to form a PROGRESSIVE party independent of the big money interests that perverted the "party of Lincoln" immediately after his Assassination (Grant was a great general, but became infamous for the most corrupt administration until the current Nixon-Reagan-bush league mire quantum leap backwards in integrity). It seems the lazy-brained tools prefer the LIES of simplistic Deceivers over the Honest facts of COMPETENT Democrats. Those who blame the Democrats for deficit spending tend to be those who have squandered trillions on the "Missile Defense" Boondoggle of the GOP's "Patriotic" Greed triple profit margin rape of the Treasury for Bonzo's crayon level analysis "shield" (star wars so-called missile defense) that can be overcome by a dozen metallic balloons masquerading as MIRV's !!! What's needed to fulfill the Democrat's intention's is in fact, just two more senators (or mebbe three given Ben Nelson's Insurance Executive treason to health care reform), in order to overcome the "Just say NO" to EVERYTHING strategy of the GOP - which included crippling the stimulus funding by cutting it IN HALF - and then complaining that it "didn't work" strong & swift enough. Of course not, thanks to their bloody obstructionism !! (One thinks they complain too much for the guilt in their actions). Indeed, what the right did was to guarantee the economy would continue to be sluggish until election day (the same strategy Casey fixed the '80 election with thru the Iran/Contra deal with "the Ayatollah of Stupidity" - in order to delay our hostages release in return for weapons - which they soon needed when Reagan O.K.'d arming Sadam Hussein for his invasion of Iran !) BTW if we DON'T allow the moderate "wing" to actually make progress, but continue to be deceived by the right-wing, this will certainly guarantee that for ANOTHER two years absolutely NOTHING will be accomplished in Washington. (If it worked in the midterms - why not keep the country in misery till the presidential one - simple power lusts will "reason".)
As long as short-term "thinking" Greed obstructs any improvement in regulating Health & Safety, the more disasters for the majority - who work for the GOP's pimps - and the planet itself we are destroying, will be guaranteed (& the more our grandchildren, & theirs, & theirs will CURSE our memory & Souls for these crimes against posterity). The Washington Post did an article recently pointing out the vast quantity of health & safety regulations which have been held up over the last decade including: ones that might have prevented the natural gas pipeline disaster in San Bruno, California, subway and big rig safety improvements and, of course, the season-long BP oil "spill" whose destruction we won't comprehend for some time (given the gulf floor inches thick sludge is surely going to go SOMEWHERE). This seems to be another election year in which "TheLord's Green Earth"/Gaia is TRYING to give obvious facts/evidence that CLIMATIC INSTABILITY is threatening our planet's healthy ability to remain a CLIME for humanity in the form of the lowest barometric pressure in a non-tropical depression storm in U.S. recorded history this week w/80 mph winds (is THIS gonna be the NEW NORMAL ?). It dramatically swept across the country but seems to have been IGNORED by the people as the obvious warning it is thanks to the corporate-prostituted video media, the major source of information for the busy or lazy-minded majority. It brings to mind the summer of '88 being record hot (up to THAT point) - demonstrating global warming in the U.S. (which used to pay attention to weather signs as citizen-farmers), but that was ignored along with any concern's for the destruction of our Constitution by rewarding, instead of punishing the Treasons of Iran/Contra. (After all there was a "Willie Horton" hiding around every telephone pole according to the GOP.)
How History repeats itself. This backward country was half a century or more behind Western Europe (especially our direct progenitor - Great Britain) when it came to abolishing slavery. Health care as a right, not a privilege is just beginning to be addressed, however; the so-called "Insurance" company's (one of the greediest, most profitable rackets on earth) have deceived so many into thinking that even a mild start to overcoming this anti-christian habit of leaving the poor to die in the streets is somehow a "threat" to their health !! The hip-hip-hyp-ocrisy of the right is so rank, it truly beggars description. The (mostly) Republican bosses first lured Hispanic immigrants to this country in order to pay "slave wages" because they are too greedy to pay a living "American wage" and after the economy tanked they blame this base of our economic pyramid for not evaporating out of sight somehow !! ?? (But they're the "moral ones" they beat their chests shouting at the doors of the temple => on TV - like the "Rove-ing Rat" from hell who would be in jail if this backwater still had a true justice system (unlike the right-wing packed judicial caricature that's existed since the 80's). The self-righteous self-proclaimed "moral" right also claim to follow the Good Samaritan Prophet, and yet judge those who are born with the apparent genetics to "be gay" as if they had a choice. (I've heard scientific evidence that 2% of Hominids have been attracted to the same sex for millions of years - apparently a natural offshoot of heterosexual reproduction.) If you listen to those who wish they WERN'T gay it's pretty obvious that this sub-set really has no biochemical choice. There is obviously another larger group ("swingers" & such) who either form part of a natural gradient or simply make a conscious, free-will choice on occasion. These might be the legitimate target of self-righteous preaching when our species is threatened by LOW population numbers - but hardly obtains after centuries of popes, imams and prophets who care more about congregational majorities than moral principles (like "Judge NOT - especially in ignorance - that ye not likewise be Judged".) Maybe this fact should be the FIRST one acknowledged in any "Day of TRUTH" practiced by those who CLAIM to follow Jesus !!! As Tariq Aziz's condemnation reminds us - the Middle East's middle name is VENGEANCE = Reason J'shua of Nazareth was the prophet of "turning the cheek 490 times before retaliating" which also shows what incredible COURAGE he had in order to espouse such revolutionary, humanE philosophy ( & how UN-Christian the right-wing GOP is in their lust to execute those who would suffer more, in fact, rotting in a prison cell than experiencing a quick and painless passage to non-existence (as far as we can BE SURE.)
Another reason Jesus was so unpopular with the establishment of the day was his respect for, and protection of the finer half of creation (females). His refusal to stone a woman "taken in adultery" demonstrated his even-handed approach to sin and justice (Muhammad also evolved this improvement in logical philosophy - for his sense of justice did not "respect (differences) in rank" - not that the Wahabi fundamentalists comprehend that an HONEST appraisal of any prophet must take account of their TENDENCIES "in their day" - which requires consideration of such to be UPDATED to the society in which we find ourselves. This is not to denigrate any "direct line" to god of prophethood, so much as to point out that perhaps (like the FIRST set of tablets given to Moses - he had to destroy) TheLord can only give rules at any point in History which the people of said time can comprehend, and follow. The so-called "strict construction-ists" of the far-right GOP are guilty of the exact same hypocrisy (when technology, science, society etc. evolve matters never known to creators of principles - perhaps the "spirit" of the law is the more respectful path to truly follow their leadership). In this regard, of course it seems the power to decide one's family planning must be reserved to those who CREATE babies - rather than the hypocrites who sometimes condone rape - as the GOP "dirty thirty" who don't allow victims of Cheney's crew @ KBR and Blackwater to sue their perpetrators in open court (See the "Republicans for Rape" website - it's truly disgusting - how much is YOUR party's "morality" on sale for ??)
A couple of other points relevant to the elections include just how stupid Americans who vote for the GOP are when they imagine that the whores of the banks are going to help them with Mortgage relief ?? and the ever GROWING problem of obesity in young america, thanks to their de-emphasis of Physical Education in the schools through lack of funding - which is sure to result in much higher health costs thru Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc. !!
BTW this country continues to sink lower & lower in the level of it's intellectual political so-called "Debate", don't be surprised if more and more of the actually intelligent people start "voting with their feet" and emigrate to parts of the world where Jeffersonian democracy actually exists - like in Canada, Western Europe and Japan. Some of us get quite exhausted waiting for the lazy-minded majority to catch up to say 9th grade level competence which USED to obtain before the anti-intellectual De-Evolution that's taken place over the last thirty years (and they said DEVO was just a punk band). I'm just sayin' Good Luck when all the competent people have left for the civilized world. This is, after all, the last patriotic act one can exercise when their homeland CHOOSES to sink into the mire (because some slime says they'll get more money by voting for those who believe in the "survival of the fittest" instead of logically humane free-will democracy). For when the "Rome of the day" collapses in on itself thru sheer incompetence - it may finally be ready to resurrect it's founding principles. Mebbe the pied piper of Hamlin had something after all !!?
BTW Barack, Nuclear waste leaching thru to groundwater will potentially kill humans for about a Million years !!! (Talk about not taking the ENTIRE cost of a fuel source into account - the Nuke industry is KING in this regard!). A seminar at Carnegie - Washington last week demonstrating Telescoped Solar energy (Arizona's Dr. Angel's development) & such till Nuclear FUSION is finally achieved 'twould seem the much more responsible approach (Combine STABLE Elements don't split UNSTABLE ones !!!)
"If you want to make the world a better place, register and vote DEMOCRATIC ! or don't bitch - you haven't earned the right ! (an' it ain't that hard). w/apologies to M. Jackson
< correction: for all three of you who read my first letter in this election round I left off my mother's maiden names' last letter = Czul (pronounced like that football player's americanized spelling Sewell or Tzar-like slavic - polska ).>
Shalom/Salaam/SURVIVAL in today's world.
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber,
Ph.D. Physical BioCHEMSTRY Howard University 2005
B.S. Chemistry - University of Virginia 1976