have been so much better off if the Right-Wing OWNed Media had allowed "President McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, or even Kerry" to receive a FAIR HEARING after the Conventions" ???
Dear fellow progressive Democrats: Spring, 2016
Because, be sure of it - that's what HAS happened over the course of the last several decades, say since Sirhan-Satan's Hand elected Adolph Nixon. The Media, never much of a progressive force in this Corporate mind-controlled society has; particularly after Frank Church's last gasp of Candor in the late 70's (exposing how much more criminal the Nixon regime was than the Watergate hearings ever got to), been prostituted by right-wing interests like Defence contractors (General Electric bought NBC then) to "allow" the appearance of fair reporting during the Democratic Primaries only to come down on whoever the chosen Nominee is like a ton of bricks ~ 15 minutes after the Convention wraps up. That is, friends do NOT imagine the relatively favorable coverage afforded Mr. Sanders thus far to bear any resemblance of how he would be character-assassinated in the general campaign months - when it really matters - to the much less interested swing voters who often don't pay attention to the candidates till the last week or two.
After all, I've always been proud of my first (absentee) vote for the Air Force veteran George McGovern down at Mr. Jefferson's University, however such did NOT empower him nor remove the evil Republican extending a senseless war slaughtering my older brothers in Viet-Nam. I also recall attending a primary rally for one John Anderson outside my Graduate Chemistry offices on the University of Minnesota campus back in 1980, who seemed a breath of fresh hope - but ultimately only helped destroy our constitutional rule of law in the eighties by assisting the coming of the Bonzo-butt brains bush league treasons of Iran/Contra, which went completely UN- prosecuted. Special Prosecutor Walsh & Senator John Kerry's indictments being conveniently swept under the "National Security Blanket" by such as NBC's obsequious Tim Russert "coverage" that was so inverse to the responsible journalism extant a decade earlier.
Indeed, given the obscenely GERRY-MANDER-ed congressional districts which guarantee that the MINORITY party (as far as National popular voting is concerned) becomes the MAJORITY in both the Whore-House & Whore-Senate (cf the Communists who claimed to be Bolsheviks or "the Majority" at a moment when the real majority was not present in their parliament, the old Duma); and the long-time BOGUS "Supreme Court" packing by impeachable Traitors like raygun-bush (and it's choice against the majority of U.S. voters in 2000) - it seems imperative that any true believers in Jeffersonian Democracy should use our "Heads" more than our "Dreaming Hearts" in this right-wing corrupted farce of an "electoral system" that replaced the American one since the eighties (at least in two-thirds of governance, currently).
Even if one has to see the choice as a lessor of "evils", such is clearly MUCH preferred over the greater of evils (i.e. whatever neo-fascist the anti-intellectual Mammon-worshipping G.reed O.iled P.arty comes up with), and; friends, in this dirth of "accurate news" reporting…..Hillary is the bridge back towards what RFK might have brought forth so long ago……….like gun control in an age when one is reluctant to even raise children because such are all too likely to be "off-ed" for, say a pair of tennis shoes !! (which doesn't seem to bother Bernie too much). In the final analysis, reflect on the fact that the so-called "party of Lincoln" is now yanked down & down morally by a racist extremist faction reminiscent of H. G. Wells' The Time Machine's Trogolodytes who follow a TORY (far-right wing Republican) from Aussie-land who stupidly think this guy is a leader of the Tea-Party spirit who were vehemently AGAINST the British dictatorial King George the turd! Rupert Murdoch, that is... ( a Fox from Hell, patriotically = Benedict Arnold).
It seems a united Democratic party is the best hope to maintain at least a third of the government in the hands of those who actually believe in the U.S. Constitution.
Insure that I.ncarnate M.emories P.revail regarding what America could, should and maybe someday will become; as SHOULD have been our birthright but seems hardly in sight.
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Physical BioChemist
U.Va. B.S. Chemistry '76 (Year of the revolutionaries)
U. Minnesota Physical Chem '81 ("A.B.D.")
Howard U. Chemistry Ph.D. '05
P.S. Recall how they made even the honorable veteran John Kerry look in '04 compared to the Coke-emptied alcoholic brain of shrub bush & the Nixon clone Dickhead Cheney who was SO courageous he obtained FIVE deferments to avoid serving in 'nam. (Seems corporate media hire on the basis of Character Assassination skills uber alles these decades - of course their OWNERS require it, so obviously).
P.S.S. ..........and recall that all dumbo Ralph Nader accomplished by NOT aligning with the Democrats in the last month was to help elect the most vehement ENEMIES of the consumer; Mammon's shrub-(Lon) Chaney prostitutes. The best strategy for victory is to provide a clear, acceptable choice to the electorate.
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Hello, fellow dwellers of Earth and Citizens who support Logically Humane Free-Will Democracy ! May 30, 2016 (Memorial Day)
I am a native of Jeffersonian democracy's home-commonwealth (and suburbanite of it's capital, named after that "revolt"-ing former british officer, George Washington) who may, in fact become a post-Doctoral fellow at one of your fine Universities before long (A Physical BioCHEMIST - who studied under an Oxford Doctorate Professor up at the University of Minnesota back in the seventies).
I am writing to encourage your citizenry to consider the immeasurable STRENGTH & power that your participation in the European Union in fact grants you-all
through the natural leadership position (via History and democratic traditions) that you can bring to bear upon the only alternative to the other real blocks of power thruout the World. That is, given the fascist perversion of Russia that Putin is pursuing, the Nixonian corporate dictatorship that China has fallen into, and the ever-present threat & stupidity that this land falls into whenever the Mammon-overlorded G.(reed) O.(lied) P.(arty) deceives the people into voting for it, you should realize that the only REAL influence you can wield is through participation in the substantial population/economic block of Europe.
Despite the nostalgic "Special Relationship" between our nations, one should realistically see that the only influence say, Tony Blair had on the Bush-Cheney regime's international policy regarding the invasion of Iraq (& subsequent creation of ISIS) was to give cover to this "vapid Duo's" retarded policies in the interests of Oil Corporations' lack of vision (beyond the next quarter's profit margin).
Therefore, I do humbly exhort you to NOT turn your back on the challenge of bringing out of the disparate countries of your "neck of the world" a more integrated assemblage which can actually have an influence on World affairs as was your tradition for numerous centuries; but to realize that alone, in this ever-more integrated world (through Nuclear War avoidance requirements for survival of our species - along with other threats in this high-tech age of chemical and biological mega-toxins) one relatively small country would clearly exert much LESS influence.
Consider, especially the Enlightenment parallels which unite the cultural/moral aspects of most all the countries of the E.U. and, consider how such is fundamentally lacking in the other few large blocks, Putin-ized Russia (Stalin II), China's Mammon uber ales 'morality' and the disorganized Muslim block, which may evolve towards a more enlightened version of Islam but needs some stability for a while to get there. The U.S. of course is a fellow-traveler in this regard whenever the more human rights oriented Democratic Party is in office, but since the perversion of the U.S. constitutional rule-of-law in 1987 when the Ray-gun bush league was NOT impeached for their Iran-Contra Treasons (as documented in Prosecutor Walsh/John Kerry's indictments), which allowed the so-called Supreme Court to be illegally/immorally packed by said traitors for six years, this country's legitimacy is questionable. Said packing led to the American's people's choice in the Millenial election, Al Gore; to be denied & replaced by the coming of the Shrub-(Lon) Cheney regime & all it's incompetence.
The fact of the matter, fellow democrats (generic, not partisan) is that the only influence that most Americans might be influenced by is the more humane European cultural roots that most of us realize is an older historical base than the relatively short one experienced here. I, personally tend to have more faith in the informational sources (such as BBC. Deutsche Welle, Manchester Guardian weekly etc) and Human Rights leadership (Amnesty International) along with international sources (U.N., E.U.) for the truth regarding chemical pollution & such over the Corporate prostituted networks that pass for "news" in this land after the post-watergate buy-OUTs. By the way, despite the somewhat incongruous alignment of someone as progressive as myself with the somewhat GOP parallel group in the U.K. of conservatives; this issue is deeper & more fundamental than most topics & does make for unusual alliances. I might point out however, one similarly disparate reality that I have NOT heard say, the BBC note; that the economic recovery the Tories crow about so much is due more to their nemesis Labor-allies in the U.S. that is Barack Obama's policies than to anything the rather small U.K. economy could pull off on it's own. To be fully honest, friends.
So, please utilize your natural allies for the greatest influence you can exert, for your good and the good of your sometimes mis-led cousins (by Winston) across the pond. BTW one American tradition I think SHOULD survive the evolution to the eventual integration of this troubled planet is our original motto: E Pluribus Unum <Out of Many, One>
Most Sincerely,
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Ph.D. Chemist (Howard University, '05)
B.S. Chemistry, University of Virginia '76
("A.B.D." Physical Chemistry; in John Overend/Al Moscowitz lab, Univ. of Minnesota ~'80)
Arlington County, Virginia
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The "Big Lie" resurrected by "The Chump" August 17, 2016
The racist history of "the chump" has, not surprisingly led to the full-fledged fascism of his insane campaign.
He was one of the perpetrators of the lies about our first Black Presidents' birthplace (hence citizenship).
He has hired a campaign manager who worked for the fascist regime of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and most recently, for the fascist puppet of Stalin II (Putin) in the Ukraine who murdered hundreds in the Maidan square before being run out of the country. After all, unlike Lenin or Trotsky, Stalin was just a fascist with a Red Cap (who allied with the Nazis).
What's so pathetically obvious is that his real model is one Adolph Schicklgruber (who called himself Hitler because he was too cowardly to use his own name). His campaign has now taken on the exact pattern of Joseph Goebbels BIG LIE technique of spouting outrageous offal that he just keeps repeating, hoping that the electorate will actually swallow his tripe. And, if the right-wing owned Media do NOT counter it, eventually; they will !
Anybody who has paid scant attention to International Affairs over the last few decades (unlike the chump - who had to be TOLD about Brexit when he was visiting the UK) knows that Daesh (ISIS) originated from the remnants of the Saddam Hussein military who fellow-Republican George Bush/fellow Viet-nam draft dodger Dick Cheney - threw out onto the streets immediately after the invasion. Actually the true kernel of it's inception should be traced to shrub's tutorship of al-Maliki who rent Iraq asunder between Shia/Sunni by turning the tables after decades of Sunni domination thru his incompetent Shia domination of government/society.
Of course this is obvious to any casual listener to BBC, reader of adult newspapers or first year college students of International Affairs. By the way where did the chump go to college, and really; did he actually show up for classes or maybe pay someone more competent to write his papers, etc. ? He quite frankly does NOT strike me as the recipient of a "higher education" by ANY stretch of the imagination. This will sure be obvious if he has the stones to show up for the Debates (withOUT third level distractions to muddy the true issues). Does there exist any more pathetic example of a "poor little rich kid" who was too self-centered to ever grow up and learn what it really takes to WORK for a living ? Classic example of an evolutionary Dead End.
And I left grad school the first time because I thought Reagan was insane enough to call for a "Limited Nuclear War"! Seems the right-wing just keeps losing I.Q. points thruout time, thereby giving JOB's adversary greater probability to prove the worthlessness of humanity. (Donnie, Species-cide is NOT progress !!!)
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Ph.D. Chemistry; Howard University '05
B.S. Chemistry; University of Virginia '76
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The FAILINGS of the U.S. 2016 Election Process November 5, 2016
Hillary Clinton's greatest failing has been to take the advice of a Republican General (Colin Powell) regarding her e-mail Server,
The FBI's clone of J.Edgar Hoover's has been to destroy an American rebirth of legislative democracy (A Democratic Senate) thru being manipulated by New York Agents (Trump Operatives who should have been fired immediately) in delaying evidence clearance (for a month) until it could do the most harm to the Democrats
and the farcical fascist nominee = the Criminal Chump who has failed to understand that The Presidency of the United States is NOT an "on-the-job Trainee" position!!!
To start on a positive note, Senator Hillary Clinton is an extremely well-qualified, trained, experienced candidate for one of the most challenging positions in World History. She is an excellent scholar of legal/governmental issues and has experience in these fields at their most difficult frontiers. She also has the moral vision to make progress for this Nation and World - for this position is a global responsibility at least as much as a domestic one - in this Nuclear age with Chemical, Biological and Digital threats to our existence and well-being. She has the intellectual competence to understand and respect Scientific Truths such as the mad level of destruction inherent in the use of Nuclear Weapons (at least 1,000 times more powerful these days than the ones which obliterated Hiroshima & Nagasaki) and the inevitable degradation of civilization thru Climate change that greenhouse gas pollution has already begun to wreck upon this Earth. She also boasts a History of service to the downtrodden of our Society, such as disadvantaged children, women and minorities of color.
She, like every other candidate since Nixon has released her Tax Returns in full and has nothing to hide therein. She has never been accused of accosting anyone sexually and has the common sense to perceive that the current leadership in Russia bodes no good will towards the liberty of the peoples of this world. Strange that one would have to include these sentences regarding presidential candidates in this Nation - sounds more like an investigation for a parole release of a treasonous espionage criminal; but, given her opponent - such is the sad state of U.S. politics this year.
Hillary's greatest failing, as titled seems to have been to take General Colin Powell's advice (and example) to utilize her own server on which NO marked classified material was sent - however some bits of material were found to be embedded which was wrong, though hardly intentional. She of course was cleared of any criminal actions although improperly chastised by the apparently self-righteous FBI director who deviated from the standard for investigators to NOT comment on cases where charges are not brought! Even more incompetently he then promised to "update" the extremist GOP witch-hunters as to any future developments, again stepping beyond the appropriate investigative prerogative.
Director Comey's treasonous destruction of this year's electoral fairness came about thru an obvious partisan broadside a week ago when he accused Senator Clinton of anything the Trump camp might dream up by making presumptuous accusations of content in the emails from another case about which he had no knowledge whatsoever. His flagrant disregard for the "60 day rule" of not interfering with national elections so close to election day seems highly suspicious given his Republican membership and, especially the complete lack of concern regarding the fact that certain New York City Bureau agents had known about this evidence for a MONTH before disclosing it, conveniently starting this fracas JUST late enough to guarantee that suspicion and innuendo would stand in for investigative accuracy. This, despite the fact that in a years' perusal of her own computer's emails no such evidence was found. Director Comey neither fired said partisan power abusing agents nor even mentioned this most salient fact. If he ever had integrity regarding a better bureau than J. Edgar's he seems to have lost it thru incompetence of realizing how little objectivity prevails in his New York operation where the city of Mammon seems to have "trumped" any loyalty to the rule of law.
This may well lead to insure that the Senate which was certainly going to go Democratic may stay in the hands of those whose only goal is to prevent the Executive branch Democrat from achieving what the American people chose them for - making progress on many issues of the day. The fact that the Gerry-mandered House and Senate slashed Obama's economic stimulus package in half in order to delay our recovery so that they could blame the Democrats for such delay serves as a poignant example. Of course, this is just another in the long march of treason by the right-wing that has degraded Jeffersonian democracy so badly for so long. After Nixon was run out of town on a rail, the prostitutes of Mammon bought the media in order to prevent such restraint happening again, so much so that by 1987 when Reagan-Bush should have been impeached for trading Cocaine-for Death Squads in Nicaragua (as documented in Special Prosecutor Walsh's indictment along with John Kerry's addendum proving Benedict Arnold Oliver North's narcotics pushing thru Dewey Clarridge of the CIA w/Claire George & George Bush participation), all the American people heard about was how spiffy North looked in his uniform (who needs any stinking Constitution ?). This lack of prosecution allowed the right-wing to illegally, immorally pack the so-called Supreme Court during the next six years which resulted in the now politicized court to award the Millennial election to their pimps as opposed to the majority choice of the American people, Albert Gore. The continual character assassination of any honorable Democrat by the Corporate-owned media propaganda machine then proceeded to portray the Viet-Nam veteran John Kerry as somehow less qualified than the cocaine/alcohol addict shrub bush (who was too blitzed to show up for military training) and Nixon's boy Dickhead Cheney (who obtained FIVE deferments from that war) in order to send others to die for the Oil Interests takeover of Iraq (after coercing the CIA into LYING about WMD in five visits to Langley - till they kissed his asp).
To return to comparisons of the choice, one now considers the greatest failure of the year, if not the entire history of the Republican Party, D(eceiver)onald, the Chump. After losing their base of morality at Ford's theatre, the G(reed) O(iled) P(arty) has struggled to offer leadership in anything except the worship of Mammon, their true special interest. Teddy Roosevelt tried to replace the party of corruption with something more honorable called the Bull Moose brigade but failed. General Eisenhower apparently suffered buyer's remorse when he warned about the Military-Industrial Complex after he sensed he had saved the WRONG PARTY! However, never have so many hard-core Republicans found it so distasteful to support the "Standard-bearer" of their brand. As opposed to Senator Clinton (who has, after all actually served in the government), the chump seems to feel that an "on-the-job trainee" can do an adequate job of being the leader of the free world and chief executive of it's most powerful (and extensive) government. For instance, Senator Clinton (and Tim Kaine) have in-depth, extensive analysis and solutions for many of the problems facing the Nation in this day & age; whereas the chump bellows that he will "make America Great again!" whatever that's supposed to mean without intelligent comprehension of what may be wrong, or HOW to accomplish his empty sloganeering. Words without thought are shallow daydreams designed to deceive the desperate. The chump's experience adds up to the null set regarding any governmental background and his "business" record seems to amount to someone who is so inept that he can lose a thousand Million dollars (a Billion) in the course of one year. That is rather spectacular as a record of FAILURE. The only reason the bankers did not let him go bankrupt years ago was because of the one talent he does seem to possess - that of DECEIVING gullible people - had left a number of stupid bankers holding so much debt from him that they thought he would be a better asset as a huckster for bad real estate deals than as the biggest debt loser in history who could never pay back what he owed.
As for his "understanding" of world affairs, anyone ignorant enough of Nuclear capabilities to imagine we should just let Nukes proliferate without restraint seems to be on the other side of the bet Job made with the adversary (Lucifer) as to the worthiness of humanity's existence. That is, one much more likely to lead our world into "Species-cide" the greatest sin imaginable, after which any ultimate judge of the Universe might agree with the entity which would like to see us replaced by say, the meek (insects) of the world. Another almost infinitely deep well of ignorance in the chump's mind seems to cover any concern for his children, or their children or all of posterity regarding the climatic instability which is surely destroying this planet as a clime for humanity. If a "leader" is so arrogant as to dismiss the generally accepted concept that 1 + 1 = 2, that is, mathematics and all the knowledge based in it with observation = SCIENCE, then he is patently un-qualified to make decisions regarding our survival in this modern age where so much of our activity affects the very possibility of mammalian existence. Recall the warning; A people without vision perish, and a "leader" whose vision reaches no further than the next Quarter's Profit Margin is a pharaoh marching into the sea.
The very presumption in fact, that the chump is an "American" is quite highly in doubt. This country was founded on two major premises. The first was a land where one could practice their own form of (non-violent) religion/philosophy. Many original european "immigrants" came to avoid the horrible "religious" wars in europe at the time. The second was the anti-dictatorial emphasis of the founding father's version of democracy. The chump started his anti-christian campaign of hatred by judging the Hispanic worker's base of our modern economic pyramid. These innocent folks were lured here by (often Republican) bosses who were too cheap (greedy) to pay an "American Wage" which would have attracted home-grown workers. Then, after the Republican induced near-depression of 2008 they were suddenly seen as "excess population" who had "stolen" American jobs. Hip-Hip-Hip-o-crits ! (Maybe Leonard Peltier should send all the Europeans back where they came from ?) Another of the chumps political origins stems from one of the most pathetically ignorant movements in American History, the so-called "Tea Party". Maybe some Kindergarten comic books could explain to them that the Boston Patriots were OPPOSED to the Tory party (the Monarchists of King George). Unfortunately their guidance-in-chief happens to be one TORY name Rupert Murdoch who owns/controls Fox (so-called) news. As per their brain-washing they tend to FOLLOW a "strong" leader rather than exercise the brain power they were born with in the form of the chump who holds Nazi-like pep rallies to spur on their BLIND OBEDIENCE. Not surprisingly their "fearless leader" also has a model and wannabe example, Vladimir Putin, the destroyer of democracy in Russia.
A lot of the "Tea Party" core also seems to be in fact, the KKK in drag; that is racists who try to hide behind a facade of legitimacy in their rejection of our President of color for reasons proven untrue. The chump does NOT repudiate such association, and of course paints the cousins of the Jews (Abraham, Isaac Jacob AND ISHMAEL), the Arabic peoples as being terrorists no matter how non-violently they adhere to the "Oft-Forgiving Loving-Kindness" interpretation of Allah (that Mohammad, in truth promulgated). This wholesale judgement of a religion about which he obviously knows NOTHING is deeply un-American and, in today's responsibilities of President another disqualification for someone who MUST interact peacefully with the other peoples of this world. BTW his sidekick, Pence, besides being from the state which actually birthed the KKK unfortunately parallels similar un-christian attitudes.
To round out the "moral" perspective of the chump, one has to marvel at the Treasons against God & Country of one who, after all could put aside all this mess about the "Nasty" women who testify as to his serial accosting of women over the decades by merely submitting himself to an (objectively operated) polygraph! After all since he "is telling the Truth", it would verify his honor and prove his two dozen victims... to be liars;…….and if he refuses to take such, one has to wonder..... WHY ??????????????????
Another WHY might be the chumps obvious hiding of criminal or Russian associations in his financial dealings by NOT releasing his TAX RETURNS even though his LIES about how his being audited should somehow provide ANY excuse for this. One reason (amongst how many others) might be that this puppet received tens of millions of dollars from a Russian operative who conveniently bought his house at a price inflated by - was it 50 million dollars ?- in FLorida.
Finally the destruction of the Health care program arrived at after decades of effort would surely NEVER be replaced under a Corporate prostitute regime like the chumps.
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Physical BioChemist
University of Virginia B.S. Chemistry 1976 (Year of the revolutionaries)
University of Minnesota Physical Chemistry ("A.B.D.") 1981
Howard University Chemistry Ph.D. 2005