Vote to restore Legislative Balance against Putin’s Puppet of Treason, a megalomaniac Deceiver of Mammon who LIES habitually as the enemy of Truth and Understanding.
An important issue in any election, of course is the state of the economy. The right wing claims credit for the recovery from their disastrous handling of such that led to the great recession of ’08 after which the Democrats managed to avoid falling into a full-fledged depression, world-wide. The fact that the right-wing Gerry-mandered House and Senate slashed Obama's economic stimulus package IN HALF in order to delay our recovery for the political end of blaming the Democrats for such should not be lost on those who wish to see the TRUTH of where we are and why it took so long to get here. One might also consider how long these “good times” will last as the un-funded tax cut for the rich piles up the deficit which any TRUE fiscal conservative would see as stupidly irresponsible and incompetently short-sighted. However, coming from a tax cheat who is too guilty to publish his returns for the last 20 years (which may well serve as ONE of Director Mueller’s impeachment crimes), this “leader” is following his brilliant pattern that led to his losing a BILLION dollars in one short year- maybe the time when he sold his soul to the Kremlin’s Bankers.
The PBS documentary series FRONTLINE has provided the antidote to the Chump’s diarrheic stream of lies which any voter who wishes not to be a fool should avail themselves of.
In particular, the show on the Russian GRU manipulation of lazy minds who never read an adult newspaper like the Washington Post, New York Times or Manchester Guardian (from Britain) along with the recent two part expose of Sucker-bergs Facebook “News-fools” performs an autopsy of what happened to American “democracy” in the ’16 so-called election. If this mid-term is supposed to be a referendum on the current regimes’ legitimacy like Donald Duck would like it to be then one should consider just how it is that our “fearless leader” could do nothing but kow-tow to Vladimir POOT-in during the Helsinki summit as he dismissed 20 US Intelligence Agencies in order to lick the boot of a Stalin-worshipping fascist. Is this not more like the actions of a GRU (Russian CIA) asset than an enemy of Satanic Fascism. (But when you see “good people” on both sides of a NAZI march at my alma mater of U.Va. where an innocent woman was murdered, just how DO you call yourself a believer in moral democracy ?)
Another fact of economic note which the right-wing leadership seems to have missed in their so-called education is that this “policy” of tariffs and protectionism was precisely the approach which led to the GREAT DEPRESSION of the thirties. We might hope that such short-sighted stupidity does not spread around the world. Already, we are losing favor as a “trusted ally” who can be counted on to live up to our word in treaties and agreements. It also might not be wise to choose as our economic adversary the country who holds much of our national debt (The land of Chin).
Considering now, not the national economic lack of vision, but that which threatens every household in the form of Health Care, one sees sure signs of trouble for us all if the right-wing continues to destroy what progress we had made in the teeth of their opposition via the Romney-care program (racists prefer to label as Obama-care for some reason). The fact that everyone in fact does require some level of health care, a national mandate surely makes sense and in fact allows our corporate-controlled system to function. The irresponsible back-tracking on this thus far is the real reason some rates have risen and the inane new policies which will cover NOTHING will soon be seen to be the sham they are. Sort of like “Chump University” where fools paid thousands to receive “classes” consisting of a seminar regurgitating the “Art of the Scam” … I believe they eventually came to call it ! If the legislature stays in the right-wing hands and the “pre-existing condition” coverage is lost, then so will millions of elderly lives be who didn’t inherit millions from their fascist father. (Like our Mafia criminal “leader” who scammed the American Treasury out of half a Billion dollars in inheritance theft; he being SUCH a patriot he calls tax evasion “smart “and dodged Viet Nam as well showing what “bravery” he possesses……. NOT !)
Give me your tired, your weak, your downtrodden…..and the right-wing will tear your families apart and kick Jesus in the teeth if anyone mentions the plight of the refugee is a responsibility of his TRUE followers (given his “middle-eastern” people’s suffering when they escaped from a fascist Pharaoh). The right-wing support for human rights abusers throughout Latin America over the decades has left many of those countries in such a state it serves as a sad commentary on what the Monroe Doctrine was SUPPOSED to enable, Jeffersonian democracy respecting the humane rights for their peoples. An earlier government, that of John F. Kennedy was following this moral path via his “Alliance for Progress” which would have both prevented the alternative communist takeover AND built the civil society on which true democracy is based. Thanks to evil assassins and character assassins of the right-wing prostituted corporate media (like Tim Russert’s crusade against the Iran/Contra Impeachments and neo-fascist Tory Rupert Murdoch’s Fox propaganda machine; the very genesis and metastasis of ‘fake news” which has led to today’s FAKE PRESIDENT) the moral path has been abandoned for the expediency of racist rants against those who were enticed here by right-wing businessmen too greedy to pay U.S. citizens a fair wage for onerous labor. One ironic source for the suffering throughout central American countries is, of course; in fact the urban street gangs of our country whom we have deported back to their parent’s lands since we have proved incapable of reforming such, instead of more intelligently de-funding them by correcting our chemical laws enacted by the Liquor Lobby of 1937 (the “Cannabis Tax”) designed to remove a much less toxic alternative to THEIR drug. This insanity has continued for the better part of a century thanks to an idiot named Sirhan-Satan’s hand (RFK’s killer) and the alcoholic Republicans who are paranoid that those who maintain more brain cells via herb usage than dissolving them with ethyl alcohol may vote Democratic more often ! (Que Horrible !) Another wonderful effect of this long-standing stupidity is the fact that the much more easily smuggled (and hard addiction) “white powder Slavery” of opioids has been given such a wide berth into our culture which has led to the current epidemic - fed as well, of course by the business acumen of big Pharma’s non-scientific decision makers - a disgrace to the healing profession of pathetic proportions.
The hoax of a response to the latest group of refugees seeking their legal rights by international Human Rights LAW to seek asylum here of “sending the troops” to confront families without weapons demonstrates just how evil and anti-christ the current regime is. Besides being against the spirit if not the letter of the law (posse comitatus) this obvious abuse of tax payers’ money (by one who avoids paying his fair share at any cost) for the sole intent of political incitement of hatred against innocent victims is a childish example of the old tactic of evil dictators for millennia, “Divide and Conquer”. (And by the way is most treasonous against our national motto “E Pluribus Unum” = Out of Many we become ONE Nation !) And now this third rate idiot thinks he can manipulate the Constitution without the consent of the American people, because we “trust” him with our future like a fawning crowd of sycophants !!
An issue which deserves more attention than it has received in the current debate is one which those of us in the Scientific field realize is at quite the tipping point for action, that of Climate change. Down south-east where the excessive Hurricane winds of “Michael” and “Florence” struck with such a wake-up call, and along the Floridean coasts where the algae blooms are destroying their livelihood it has become more obvious that the anti-intellectual right-wing’s irresponsible lack of action is coming home to roost. According to the experts who study the destruction of “God’s green earth” we have maybe two years to start to act on reducing the greenhouse pollution which is extinct-ing species and throwing the “Seasons” out of wack. By the time we can no longer grow crops outside in bulk due to snowstorms in June and heat waves in January it will be TOO LATE. The fossil fuel industry for which the chump is such a prostitute has been deceiving too many for too long in order to squeeze every penny of profit from a civilization which is doomed to drastic destruction - just like the tobacco murderers led an army of “Marlboro Men” to their premature deaths. BTW for those of us who have experienced the wettest summer of our lives, one should know that the two greatest near term effects of Climatic instability (which is what scientists call this loss of equilibrium) are more moisture and higher temperatures (which is why the popular press calls it Global warming). This short term gain for thirty pieces of silver may make the top 1% a few more coconuts temporarily; however, at the cost of enormous economic loss as agriculture declines in productivity and climatic refugees from flooded out coasts exert ever more pressure on our overpopulated cities. “FUN FACT”: two-thirds of the world’s major cities lie along coasts which will be victims of sea level rise in our grandchildren’s lifetime. The problem of ignoring such prophecy for now however, like George Bush noted “We’ll all be dead by then!” (apparently not giving a damn for his children’s quality of life) is that unless we act NOW, it will become increasingly difficult requiring ever more DRASTIC measures to prevent global catastrophe.
<Said cities including New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles and London.>
Another issue which deserves more attention is, of course the abuse of females in our society, especially given we have a perverted serial molester of such in the Oval office. The pathetic rubber stamp for rapists issued by the right-wing mis-led Senate Judiciary committee for slime ball Cavanaugh to further pollute what is supposed to be a “Supreme Court” demonstrates that they worship one god, Mammon and desire one end, Power. They denied the legitimate nomination of President Obama for a year in order to further pack the remnants of what used to be Constitutional law in this backwater of a country. Harking back to the death of our constitution when Iran/Contra was NEVER prosecuted, which allowed impeachable criminals to pack the “Anti-supreme Court” for six years, this led to the theft of the millennial “election” by the now confessing O’conner traitor who admits she knowingly stole said contest for her political choice so that her seat would remain with the right-wing. Apparently Alzheimer’s allows some people to forget to LIE ! BTW it’s amazing that Professor Blasey-Ford passed a lie detector test but the right-wing owned media never questioned why the molester never requested one to show how “innocent” he is! Pathetic as well was the white-wash cover up “investigation” which never questioned Bretts’ co-conspirator nor even interviewed his victim!! Amazing dereliction of duty under this criminal regime. BTWW again, I would wonder why our “Molester in Chief” doesn’t take such a test in order to show the two dozen women who accuse him are “all liars” ?? Makes one wonder, doesn’t it ???? Or confirms what is obvious !
Finally, the issue which decided what a messed up world & country we live in today, the very REPORTING of information upon which we make judgements as to whom we support in elections. I was amazed in disappointment when the Frontline documentary pointed out what a large percentage of Americans count on trash media sources like “Facebook”s so-called news-feed for almost ALL of their knowledge about the world; it playing on emotional feedback to throw ever more extreme and biased “news stories” at them so that people keep clicking on the website (in order to make the advertisers money). This insidious mind control has been manipulated by the anti-Theosophous/Kyrios in the Kremlin to incite wars in the Ukraine, destroy the nascent United States of Europe in the Brexit vote and, of course pervert perceptions of lazy minds in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania during the ’16 campaign. It also was used to encourage the slaughter of the Rohingya minority in Burma and over ten thousand “drug war” victims in the Philippines. This out of control social media manipulation must be regulated to prevent further genocide committed for the greed of irresponsible twits (like Suckerberg). Another use to which this ease of “lying to millions” without ANY editorial control is of course Trump’s resurrection of Joseph Goebbels BIG LIE that has served as the base for most all of his hare-brained “policies”.
Recalling the chump’s retort to a TRUE leader, Hillary Clinton when she called him out on his evil intentions by saying she was “the devil”, one must consider if there was some embarrassment on the part of a serial molester whose rhetoric has comforted Nazi racists since his coming; one of whom murdered a dozen of YHWH’s people at prayer in Pittsburgh this week ?? Given also that fact checkers have documented over three thousand LIES from this entity, could not one make a compelling case that the “Father of Lies” might be sitting in the oval office today ? (or is he just one of Lucifer’s puppets being manipulated via the Kremlin walls ?? - hard to tell, or to see what difference it makes, given the satanic results !!!)
Yes, may “God save America”,
because Mammon’s Republicans sure as HELL won’t !!!!!
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Physical BioChemist: Howard University 2005
B.S. Chemistry: University of Virginia 1976
Native & resident of Arlington, Virginia