There once was a Republican who believed in the republic of the UNITED States, that is an Abraham who didn’t want to see the Nation divided against itself crumble and fall into disaster.
He could see that the requirement to maintain the union of the states was to address the injustice of the ability of some citizens to abuse the labor, skills and liberty of others thru enslavement. For the traditional Christian religious students of the old Testament this situation paralleled the plight of the Hebrews enslaved by the oppressive Egyptian Pharaoh to whom the liberator Moses was sent by God to lead them to a “promised land”. The continued racial strife that has cursed our land ever since (and proved a damning criticism of us by enemies like Putin’s hero Josef Stalin during the cold war contest over moral governance) is perhaps our greatest challenge to overcome if we indeed wish to serve as a “shining city upon a hill” example for a world in dire need of cooperation in this high tech potentially mega-death age of Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Cyber weaponry mis-led by “social” media deceptions.
Another moral teaching from the Christian tradition well-known and accepted is that of the “Good Samaritan” parable taught by Jesus himself. The Samaritans were described as something like “second class Jews” who perhaps were not as strictly adherent to the traditional law & practices of the ultra-pure Pharisees & such who were rumored to include some “mixed blood” genetics inherited from some of the surrounding tribes. And yet, the Master Teacher pointed out that as a later writer would opine “the giant is as the giant does”, that is, one’s true value accrues from how one acts, not their social/economic standing. A victim of brutal robbery laid in a road as a hypocritical Priest and then Pharisee passed by on the other side of the road to avoid their obvious moral duty to lend assistance whereupon a lowly Samaritan actually stopped, administered first aid and helped the victim on his way.
A third interesting fact noted in the Christian scriptures relates that the first convert to this nascent religious branch after the stoning martyrdom of apostle Steven by the Pharisee enforcer Saul (later to be renamed Paul, author of most of the new testament) was in fact a native of Ethiopia, with the higher melanin count phenotype of all human ancestors “out of Africa” if one traces one’s Genealogy back sufficiently towards the Noah, Adam & Eve era.
All humanity is for the most part a product of the social norms of our times in which we develop and exist, although the rare visionary can see where we should be headed. This Abraham (Lincoln) may indeed have thought of people of color, enslaved without opportunity of development to be somewhat inferior to his society of the day, or he may have found it a-politic to express any more progressive views during his political career, but he nonetheless could see that the inherent injustice of slavery’s treatment of one’s fellow human beings could not be maintained in the United States Constitutional “enlightenment” philosophy basis for governance (as laid out by Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Mason & the other founders).
A curious example of political perversion of religion in this regard occurred in the decade before the most un - “Civil War”. The traditional Septuagint (70 books) of the accepted Old & New Testament which the founders all read included the three books last written before the advent of J’shua of Nazareth which are today know as the “apocryphal” books because they were removed from the canon by the so-called “American Bible Society” in the 1850’s. Now having read such books myself (along with all the others) I agree with most modern Scholars that a third of them should have been rejected long ago, a third read for historical interest given their proximity to the coming of Jesus, but that the third third, for which I believe they were all removed by said slave-supporting society should be accepted as high moral scripture as stricture against the most un-godly practice of enslaving one’s fellow human beings !
After his torturous success in the war to preserve the union, Abraham was assassinated within days of it’s end which left a political compromise Vice President in charge whose sympathies were hardly those of the abolitionists. Johnson stumbled along somewhat allowing the start of reconstruction without much enthusiasm to then be replaced by General Grant who was much more supportive of the national recovery & human rights protections for the citizens of color (which encountered opposition in most ALL sectors of the country, racism being a disease not wholly peculiar to the South). His alcoholism however, & blindness to the corruption of his party led to the disastrous compromise resolution of the highly disputed 1876 election that essentially ended all progress for the minority of color and allowed the “Jim Crow” era to erase any true distinction between the two national party’s policies which then both cow-tow(ed) to the white racist class in the South.
Said corruption was so endemic in the Republican Party by the time of Theodore Roosevelt that he eventually tried to replace it with a more honorable “Bull Moose’s” Party alternative to the corpse of “Honest Abe’s” tradition. T.R.’s fifth cousin, Franklin Roosevelt perhaps due to said well-deserved reputation choose to join the Democratic Party and helped it become established as the party less tolerant of racist oppression (in slow but steady progress towards respect for human rights) which culminates in the Candidacy of Rev. Warnock & Mr. Ossoff.
General Eisenhower’s administration which “saved” the Republican Party from oblivion was a gentle respite from it’s negative direction but left little impression on the general perversion of the “Party of Lincoln” when Nixon proclaimed his “Southern Strategy” which consisted of bald-faced racist support for traitors to any semblance of Abraham’s “liberation” policy for the downtrodden of color. Unfortunately his evil prostitution of selling the soul of the Republican Party for power (30 pieces of silver with mega-inflation) has been consistently followed by the Reagan (Welfare Queen Gladiator), Bush (who saw Willie Hortons behind every telephone pole), Shrub (Bush II)-Cheney (a five times Viet-Nam draft dodger) whose racism tended towards an Islamic-phobia variation including torture chambers at the CIA (which gathered no Intel but did serve as recruitment posters for Terrorists worldwide) and wasting American lives & treasure to wage an “easy” war for Oil Corporation’s cheap gas interests in Iraq. The subsequent election of Mr. Obama after the incompetent Republican destruction of the economy brought out the slime from the woodwork in the form of the obviously racist “birth-ers” lies about Barack’s birthplace; a notable proponent of such being Donald Duck (the) Chump LOSER of the decade.
Notwithstanding the pity one should show for the mentally deficient victims of deleterious genes that Trump is so obviously a victim of (Autism’s lack of compassion and empathy to the MAX, as any special ed teacher like myself recognizes in a moment), this life-long criminal spoiled brat who has never grown up should be recognized as the traitor to God & Country which he is. After losing a three million dollar inheritance through incompetent business dealings, he then went on the bamboozle (his only real talent - DECEPTION) banks into giving him a Billion dollars which he promptly lost as well via the repeated stupidity that belies insanity. After that it seems he was willing to sell his patriotism to the highest bidder which in this case was the Kremlin’s Vladimir Putin & mafia, which his tax returns will almost certainly prove when they finally come to light (like the money-laundering Real Estate schemes in Florida at multiple values of the legitimate market rate). His true allegiance has been displayed for five years publicly. He welcomed the perversion of the so-called 2016 election by Putin’s on-line troll army of liars who colluded with fellow rapist Julian Assange to selectively release only the emails which made the Democrats look bad, he refused to say a word against his true Master, Putin at any point in his regime and held secret meetings with said Kremlin Boss without any U.S. representative of the government being allowed to attend, and then in Helsinki amazingly claimed that he believed Putin’s word over that of the 18 U.S. Intelligence Agency’s information !! These are obviously the actions of a Prostitute to foreign secret combinations, NOT an American President with independent free-will. The greatest crime he has committed is his pathetic attempt to maintain the “immunity of office” which has kept him out of a New York state Jail; to which end he has required the Republican Governors to open up their states to infectious disease trying to revive an economy in the midst of a plague for political re-election.
Donald (the) Chump’s impeached behavior regarding coercion of the Ukrainian government into opening bogus investigations of his political replacement’s family and attacks on State Department personnel would have led to his appropriate conviction and removal from office last January (which would have saved a quarter million victims of SARS CoV-2 disease) if the U.S. Senate had conducted an actual Constitutionally mandated trial, instead of the Soviet-style “Show Trial” without relevant evidence and witnesses that “Moscow Mitch McConnell” conducted instead. This anti-American abuser of power has bragged that he plays the part of the “Grim Reaper” of the will of the American People over the last decade. Under Obama he prevented the economic recovery by cutting the Obama-Biden stimulus bill in half, so that the economy would be weak for the 2016 election (which has led to the current economic disaster given the necessary Pandemic shut-down), he denied the Democrats their constitutional power to install a Supreme Court Justice almost a year before the end of their term “so that the people could vote to decide” which he hypocritically ignored this fall when his own party rushed thru such an appointment within WEEKS of an election (which Constitutional Abraham refused to do !), and he has refused to allow almost a hundred bills passed by the latest House of Representatives from ever seeing the light of day on the Senate Floor where any OTHER senator might have a say in it’s passage (Grim Reaper of democracy indeed). This enemy of Jeffersonian democracy is what the Georgia run-off elections are all about. He has supported the rape of the U. S. Treasury to the tune of Two Trillion dollars tax cuts for the super-rich individuals & corporations but now claims $600 to cover the six months since the Democrats voted for pandemic aid is quite adequate for the vast majority of Americans suffering from this near-depression. Two of his staunch allies are the current Republican office-holders in Georgia who acted on “insider information” regarding how terrible the pandemic was going to get in order to make millions off the suffering of the people of Georgia (and the Nation).
The Republican’s current “leader” is known above all for his pathological LIAR tendencies. Responsible chroniclers of his statements note that he has uttered over 22,000 lies in office ! In fact he lies when it would be politically beneficial for him to tell the truth. He seems to have an instinctive hatred of honesty which makes one wonder if his most consistent quality is that of DECEPTION !!! His latest (more important of numerous) Lie is that regarding the number of vaccinations which should have been accomplished by New Year’s day, remember ?
Twenty million, but only Three million have come to pass. He claims it’s the States’ fault, but he refuses to give them the support required to accomplish such (shades of the Pharaoh’s dictum to “make bricks without straw” - a vital component thereof). How many times does a Deceiver have to lie to you before you notice it ?? (Wonder who gave the SVR our computer codes ?)
One might recall that the traditional motto of our country is “E Pluribus Unum” or “Out of Many, One” that is we are diverse groups of peoples who come together as a UNITED nation, which George Washington set the standard for in claiming to be the representative not of any particular region, state or other grouping but to serve the ENTIRE nation as his offices’ constituency. Chump seems to follow the advice of an ENEMY of a nation, from ancient strategies of “divide and conquer” which the Kremlin seems the overseer of, and Mark Suckerburg’s similar algorithms a major tool to accomplish such Treason, if he makes a few coconuts out of it. Mr. Biden can see this perversion of leadership which he found intolerable after the murder at my alma mater’s town (Charlottesville - Mr. Jefferson’s University) when the anti-American, anti-Christ, anti-Godfather of a criminal family & corrupt regime proclaimed that
“there were very good people on both sides” of that gathering of losers who cannot compete on an even playing field (with citizens of color). Mr. Biden hopes to resurrect Logically Humane Free-Will democracy for ALL the American People. Please give him & his allies the chance.
Do your duty to God (or at least moral goodness) and Country (as well as for our human species, ALL of whom suffer from the pandemic) by allowing the choice of the American People by SEVEN MILLION VOTES to accomplish what the vast majority wish for in more COMPETENT, intelligent leadership by allowing the Senate to actually represent the will of the American People for a change !! (instead of Mammon’s minority special interest$).
BTW if you enjoy the beautiful natural resources of Georgia and would like to see them protected again, instead of exploited without consideration of your children’s children’s rights to such, again; give the Democrats a chance to protect & maintain God’s Green Earth as I enjoyed camping with the Scouts, back in the day. Leave your campsite in a natural state !
Dr. Steven Dwight, Ferber, Ph.D. Physical BioCHEMIST Howard University ’05
B.S. Chemist University of Virginia ’76
“A.B.D.” Physical Chemist Univ. Of Minnesota ‘80
Big time Allman Brother’s fan Eagle Scout Awarded ’67