Is (Republicanized) America REALLY as stupid as Germany in the Thirties ??
~~ November 1, 2002
It's often seemed mystifying that Germany, traditionally a rather intelligent part of Europe voted itself OUT of democracy in the early 1930's. Of course, an era of high stress due to economic incompetence led to scape-goating anyone who refused to submit to the right-wing dogma, which allowed the extremist traitors to abuse Constitutional rule-of-law in order to consolidate Absolute power.
"Only in G.O.P.eed (Republicanized) America"
Could the right-wing party's campaign manager of a state NOT recuse herself from deciding which votes count, & thereby who "wins" an election for our first BOLSHEVIK administration (the term means Majority - when in fact said party was only supported by the Minority of voters - in 1917 Russia and 2000 "America").
"Only in G.O.P.eed (Republicanized) America"
Could a war-mongering flock of idiots destroy the reconciliation effort by Kim Dae Jung for the Korea-s (in it's inaugural week) and then feign surprise when the militaristic North steps up it's Nuclear Weapons program.
"Only in G.O.P.eed (Republicanized) America"
Could the prostitutes of Mammon give away Billions of dollars in surplus to those who need it LEAST (their rich pimps), which plunges the country into deficit and then cover-up their avarice & incompetence in election season by demanding carte blanche to wage war against a regime THEY empowered to slaughter the people of a fool/tool of Iblis who ELECTED them through Iranian Hostage release delays (with a little negotiation from their friends kicked out of Langly by Frank Church-y'know - before the eighties).
"Only in (Republicanized) America"
Could those who "make long prayers in public places to be seen of men" ignore the responsible arbitration of the previous 13 administrations in the Holy Lands by refusing to meet the (relatively) moderate Palestinian leader, Arafat because he wouldn't come crawling on his knees, while supporting the fascist "Butcher of Sabra, Shatilla & Jenin" who slaughters THREE TIMES as many of the natives as Israelis die in his pogroms - for the right to steal his neighbors' (& cousins under Abraham/Ibrahim, in fact) lands, labor & lives.
In fact, "Only in (Republicanized) America"
Could the party who empowered Satan's human rights abusers like Pinochet and Col. D'Abuisson (y muchos otros) to this hemisphere claim to be so brain-dead that they believe they can "stop terrorism" by dealing ONLY with the EFFECTS of such diseases of the heart & mind. In fact, if Rum-head could arrest every terrorist in the world today, as long as Likud (the Israeli fascist party) keeps murdering/torturing innocents & leaving family members behind (CAUSE), logic & vengeance guarantee no shortage of terrorists tomorrow!!! (As dumb as it is to ignore the only successful tool against superior power - NONviolence.)
The Question of this complaint refers, of course to the election of November 5th, wondering if the people in this "Republicanized" country - that is, one which has been mis-led so far to the right through the Nixon, Reagan-Bush regimes that it teeters on the brink of giving TOTAL power to the anti-intellectual incompetent right wing through the one - sided media coverage that has so deceived them (Goebbels would be proud) since the multi-national corporate right BOUGHT them in the eighties (to prevent another Watergate "Disaster" of democracy from breaking out). So, will America continue to vote itself out of Liberty as when it rewarded the Treason's of Iran/Contra's Cocaine-for-Death Squads in '88 (after all there was a Willie Horton on every street corner) which led to the Illegal/Immoral "packing" of the so-called supreme court from '87-'93 that guarantees bogus anti-American interpretation of the Constitution for another generation?
Is the electorate still so pathetically ignorant of what the Greed Oiled Party's foreign policy actually involves that they will "trust" these nineteenth century "thinking" twits with their lives as they did before 9/11?? For anyone who listens to the BBC or watches DW TV & gets a little more COMPLETE sense of world events it's so obvious that the average American's true threats come from the right-wing propagandic IGNORANCE that the Corporate/Right likes to keep them in (simple-minded arguments only win when the alas, more complicated WHOLE TRUTH is never heard).
"Only in (Republicanized) America"
Can a treaty to deal with the certain Global Warming which, in fact, only deals with 5% of the problem be considered "too radical" for the prostitutes of blind corporate avarice - which grabs 20 pieces of silver so as to foul "God's green Earth" to the extent their grandchildren will no doubt curse their memory.
"Only in (Republicanized) America"
Can the party of "Law & Order" be such dogs of death for the Satanic Rifle Association that Americans die at hundreds of times the rate of any civilized country in Western Europe or Japan from handguns, they prevent the inclusion of "taggets" to trace terrorist explosives (regulation is ALWAYS a BAD thing, ah guess) and assault rifles in "civilian" form flood the streets so that any nut-case can pick up a "Bush-Master" & butcher at will.......<Death Technology pays triple profit margins - in the SHORT RUN - but, by God in the long run they'll be HELL to pay>
In conclusion, the fact is, Saddam Insane is an Iblismic problem which should be dealt with. But to turn the Congress over to the extremist Republicans who's interests lie with nothing that doesn't EARN same is dangerous to the max. Fourth Reich-er Ashcroft, Big Brother Cheney and Escuadron de la Muerte Jeffe PonteNegro are NOT the stable wise men which our Country & World desperately need in the Legislature to maintain some balance between these retarded oil boys & the 21st Century's Realities. By the way, there are many other evil problems in the world, which the Republicans have helped create and maintain over the decades - but who gives a damn about Human Rights by Milosevic? NOT mammon's toys..........
P.S. "Only in (Republicanized) America"
Could the Corporate Prostitutes' Party prevent the SEC from being funded & empowered (via rules to separate the banking & research areas) to ensure that the fiduciary "watchdogs" - the Accounting firms - were able to DO THEIR JOB without Losing them - during the late 90's whorehouse/senate control - without raising calls for impeachment of mammon's lackey in the white house who's #1 Corporate funder was the flock of thieves (ENRON) who exemplify the theft of Trillions of dollars from a generation's retirement funds (& who's dealings with the Aloha-gate scandal seem to threaten any journalist's job who might deign to report on it - ibid V.P. Lon Cheney & Haliburton)
{Ignorance is a Night of the Mind, a night without Moon or Star.............Confucius}
Dedicated to the memory of Paul Wellstone (if it's not a bit too impolitic)
Steven Dwight Ferber
2116 South Second Street
Arlington, Virginia 22204
U.Va. '76 B.S. Chemistry
Physical BioChemistry Doctoral Candidate