...as the most <and rarely> Honorable Republican (Lincoln) would have warned us,
in the vernacular of his day ??
As a life-long Jeffersonian Democrat (a Graduate of Mr. Jefferson's University of Virginia and having been blessed enough to have attended JFK's Inauguration on my seventh Birthday and thereafter experience INTELLIGENT leadership of his and his brother's, RFK administration) there ARE some rare Republicans I strongly admire. Not being rascist, because as a scientist I understandthe miniscule contribution of skin color to human character/intelligence, I might even have supported that party before the Democrats became the champions of human/civil rights under FDR as the GOP became the "New Dixiecrats" (racists for political advantage: Nixon after all ran as "the Electable Wallace", Reagan as the "Welfare Queen Gladiator" and G. Bush Sr. as the protectoragainst "that Willy Horton hiding behind every telephone pole"). Lincoln, or "Honest Abe" is about top of this list, whose era quote above points out the black & white difference between his integrity and "Brother Hypocrite" Romney, as I naturally think of the Tea Party era's perversion of "the party of Lincoln". Having been raised in a Mormon convert family I know a bit about what Mitt is SUPPOSED to be, however; I find his reality pathetically lacking. The quote, of course refers to someone buying an animal in a concealed sack, thru which one cannot discern it's true contents. Anyone who has paid the slightest attention to the GOP primaries, and then witnessed the Debates last month surely knows that Romney will say anything, anytime in order to "win" a contest. However, five minutes after the last vote has been cast, he appears perfectly willing to reverse his "opinions" on virtually EVERY issue. This kind of "Politician" is exactly where the original Greek term comes from, i.e. a "Promise-er" directly translated, or one who promises, but canNOT be counted on to deliver what he says. Now the height of his hypocrisy is that this is what he and his Troglodyte (T) party accuse Mr. Obama of when THEY are the precise reason WHY he has not been able to deliver on his pledges, time and again. In my hometown (D.C./burbs) it's obvious that the only way to serve the U.S. people is to bargain/compromise for the benefit of the MAJORITY. However, the current crop of extreme right-wing prostitutes of short-term greed in the (whore) House pledged that they would PREVENT the duly elected executive branch from serving the people, merely in order for THEIR minority $pecial Interest$ to regain power. THEY are the ones who cut Obama's stimulus package IN HALF, which is a major reason why we've only experienced half a recovery ! And brother hypocrite claims that Obama had "super-majorities" in both houses of Congress when, the fact is that the GOP has ABUSED the filibuster privilege, such that their minority prevented action on everything, all of the time unless (like spoiled brats) they "got their way". The filibuster is honorable only when RARELY used for high moral reasons, not an 'end-run around' the will of the people.
Another shining principal of Mr. Lincoln's was, of course his commitment to human/civil rights thru the campaign to end chattel slavery here half a century after it's trade was outlawed inGreat Britain. This is a unifying principle of those whom I respect as truely moral leaders in either party. Theodore Roosevelt engendered this aspect as well, regarding abuses both here (by corporate greed abuse of workers) and abroad. Now brother hip-hip-hyp-o-crite "makes long prayers in public places to be seen of men" in this regard (e.g. Syria, which the majority of his party would howl about any "Nation-building" by the Democrats if Obama had dared to give more direct support up to the present), but looking at where this Millionaire got his money reveals a disdain
for human life in the extreme (rather far from morality in his actions). In starting his private equity consultant firm, 'Bain Capitol', it seems the good brother had trouble finding honorable clients, so he pandered to certain Central American Oligarchs, notably from El Salvador, where they had funded Satan's handmaiden, Col. D'Abuisson; whose men assassinated Archbishop Oscar Romero and notoriously raped, then murdered 3 U.S. nuns and Jean Donovan a week after Reagan "won" the '80 election (w/a little help from the Ayatollah Khomeini's delay of the release of American Hostages held in Tehran, AFTER a visit by Bonzo's future CIA chief, Casey; this was the birth of the Iranian 'Arms for Hostages' treasons). One of Reagan's campaign issues was, of course to "not let Human Rights kick America around any more" as it presumably had been under the true christian Jimmy Carter's administration. BTW the perpetrators of these murders were let off with a slap on the wrist, but, after all; the women (and Archbishop) commited the crime of "being on the side of the poor". Not a failure of the G(reed) O(iled) P(arty)'s funders 99% of the time !!! I find this history especially disgusting given that Mitt claimed during the debates to be SO "close to God" with high religious values (SELF-RIGHTEOUS might be closer to the truth). Recalling some of my religious training in "his" church, there are thirteen "articles of faith" one should adhere to, including the last one which recommends that we should "seek after those items of Good Report".
Somehow I have real difficulty reconciling that principle with funding from 'escuadrones de las muertes' (Death Squads) !! Maybe my beliefs are more deep-rooted & less sale-able. He also touts efforts to conclude more "free trade agreements" with Latin America, presumably not caring about any human rights abuses by any other regimes, given his track record. Such agreements, especially when negotiated by the corporate right-wing party serve merely to undercut national protections for workers Health, Safety and wage support, while simultaneously undercutting global efforts to reduce pollutants including Climatic Instability (global warming) sources which threaten our children's world (& brought us super-storm Sandy last week). BTW if you have any
belief in the creator of "God's Green Earth"/Gaia you might see the massive climatic disturbance a week before election day as quite a "prophetic warning" to listen to today's prophets of truth as regards scientific reality = those who study such all their lives (for less recompense than they could get fixing teeth or arguing law). In this case, environmental specialists.
Another of Mitt's ridiculously obvious flip-flops for the "principle" of winning at ANY cost is, of course the Insurance Companies (or am I suppose to think the Republican party)'s critique of Obama/Romney care ! This is so preposterous to claim that Rommey's successful program has suddenly morphed into "Socialized Medicine" when it crossed the political aisle when, obviously all that has happened is that the richest corporations in the world (the Insurance racket) are telling their prostitutes how to dance because they want to continue taking the middle class's money precisely by NOT doing "their job" (which is to SPREAD the Risk), but instead by "cheery-picking the best (healthiest) and leaving the rest" (to die). My mother, Sister Irene Ferber of Arlington/Falls Church wards lost her life prematurely due to this "principle" of Greed which Mitt, Ryan and the other Republicans support so strongly. She contracted Esophageal cancer from her co-workers before "second-hand smoke" was outlawed, undergoing the excruciating pain of that particular cancer's treatment, after which the Kaiser Permanente Corporation decided NOT to pay the expense to test as to whether said condition had metastasized. It had, and by the time they noticed it, she was condemned to die. (Maybe Mitt would claim that the hundred dollars or so they saved by not doing the test was a "good health outcome" ???). A "Mighty Mammon" is SOME Moron's God, it seems. BTW she and my father helped establish the first Mission Home in Poland around 1990 after serving 'round the Cabrini Greens neighborhood in Chicago. One aspect of the corporate right-wing (Republican) manipulation of Medical Science delivery is it's pathological abhorrence of any form of "regulation", INCLUDING that for health & safety ! This is what led to the lack of oversight of "Pharmaceutical Formulators" (those who mix/formulate the precise chemicals we ingest as "drugs") which allowed the current tragedy of meningitis deaths (30 and counting).
A third example of an honorable Republican president (and the last nominated thru the party process, unlike Ford - who DIDN'T deserve to be impeached) was General/President Eisenhower. He of course, served in liberating Europe from the insane militarism of the fascists during which he documented the wholesale slaughter of death camps. After he was talked into running as a nominal Republican in order to "save the two-party system", he seemed to veer away from the funders of the right-wing when he warned against the influence of "the Military-Industrial Complex". This insidious prostitution of that party's economic "prosperity" because of the TRIPLE profit-margins gained when manufacturing arms has skewed their international policies ever since, and cost the rest of America priceless lives as a result of it. The Romney-Ryan regime would continue this abuse of wealth and blood. Of course, Romney did NOT serve even though his age put him in the teeth of Viet-Nams' sacrifice ! Even though military spending has gone up thru the Obama years, he promises to increase it by another Trillion dollars which has not even been requested by the armed forces. This from those who claim to be "stewards" of deficit spending, and Mitt even lauded Bush Jr. for being a "good economic steward", after he created the worst Economic recession since the Great Depression !!! He also LIED in the debates (& elsewhere) claiming that Obama would cut defence spending thru the "sequestration" process, when the Republicans are the ones who made such a sledge hammer approach absolutely necessary by absolutely refusing to compromise a reasonable budget as every OTHER Republican congress has for centuries !! (But that was before the troglodytes.)
If one gets off one's "intellectual backside" and actually watches a competent study of WHY this recession began (like PBS's Frontline), it becomes obvious that, if anything the Obama-Biden administration has NOT regulated the financial sector enough ! In particular, the Glass-Steagall sort of separation of stable savings/loans vanilla banking from the risky "investment" gambling with depositors funds which led to so much loss for innocent citizens who deserve a government oversight capable of protecting their assets. Even this common sense "regulation" is too much for the Masters of Greed and the R-R administration would do away with it. They of course (following their masters in the 'T' party) will continue to hold a reasonable middle class tax cut hostage to the 2% millionaire/billionaire class greed so as to run up the deficit another five trillion dollars. Now they have a "secret plan" to pay for such, but can't tell us about it till it's too late to vote against it. (Reminds me of Adolph Nixon's "secret plan" to end the Viet-nam war in '68; = a bald-faced LIE). So if you like the recession the Republicans brought us thru
greedy incompetence, just vote for it again ! (Too bad stupid people make the same mistakes over and over again, or is it they DECEIVE gullible lazy minds over &
over again ???)
Another noticeable quality of Eisenhower was his actionable competence. Commander-in-Chief Obama set out to deliver "Just Justice" to the funder of the 9/11 slaughter (as Bush Jr. or 'shrub' had also professed to do). The difference is that Barack & team got it done. He also helped the Libyan people overcome "wacky Gaddafi" thru minimal loss in treasure and lives (though of course the recent loss of personnel in Benghazi was tragic and due to GOP lack of funding as much as anything). One can also argue that his speech early in his administration encouraging democracy throughout the Arab/Islamic world helped encourage the "Jeffersonian Spring" and, after much struggle should lead to that part of the world evolving as it has not been allowed to for decades (especially after Israel becomes a "partner for peace" thru more progressive leadership there someday). An amazing statement Romney mouthed during the debates was that he "believes in Gender equality" for the muslim world. One wonders when HE might evolve to believe in the same rights for females in THIS country (like when equal pay will be returned for equal level work !!!) Another aspect of competence which seems to elude business elites like Romney is what Obama pointed out regarding education. A nation without a well-trained work force cannot compete with the best & brightest around the world. His pathetic ignorance of the fact that "Class sizes DO influence how well a Teacher can do their job" demonstrates that he has not picked up much common sense perspective from the schooling he has received. After all, the highest rated University in the world, Oxford exercises a one-to-one tutoring process that yields obviously excellent results. His related ignorance regarding Scientific Research & Development, and how such leads to new products (increasingly in West
Europe, Japan and industrial espionage China) belies this nation's stupidity in destroying the R & D departments in large corporations a few decades ago, for the short-term gain, which is leading to our long-term second class status. BTW Mitt's Nth hypocrisy is his obvious "kow-tow"-ing to Chinese interests (like by "pioneering" out-sourcing jobs to them for thirty pieces of silver) and then calling Obama weak on trade policy with our banker-nation, which practices Nixonian capitalism (a CORRUPT form, that is). The MOST amazing statement he made during the debates however seemed a bit "Deja-vu" of Gerald Ford's stupidity saying "there was no Soviet domination in Eastern Europe" in 1976; when HE claimed that "China (meaning the dictatorial government) wants the world to be free". Just when, dim brother, did the largest prison-state on the planet become FREE ??? I don't believe Amnesty International would agree with you here.
The last obvious wave of hypocrisy practiced by R-R & company I feel duty-bound to point out is how (mostly Republican) Bosses encouraged Hispanic workers to come here and do difficult jobs at slave-labor wages because they didn't want to pay first-world wages to anyone, and NOW that their financial incompetence has tanked the economy they blame these poor down-trodden victims for "having come here illegally" !!! Ay Caramba ! Que Hypocricia, hermano !!!!!
BTW I may be "post-doc" -ing soon in Western Europe where they murder each other at ~ 1% to 10 % of the rate here thanks to Civilized Gun Control (I don't particularly want to raise children in order to have them "off-ed" for a pair of tennis shoes, as happens in Republicanized America WAY TOO OFTEN 45 years after RFK's loss (for triple profit margin$ !! = 666).
BTW As a Physical BioCHEMIST I find it insane to allow "frac-ing" with hundreds of SECRET chemicals which most likely is poisoning our aquafer.
It seems the 47% Mitts calls ~Leaches if not all 98% NOT super-wealthy might consider the lyrics by the Jefferson Airplane's christian song, "FEED MY SHEEP"
(BTWW Teddy Roosevelt ended up trying to REPLACE the Republican party with a "Bull Moose" party of Progressive, honorable principles ! "Beware of the Silver-Tongued LIAR"
I, of course respect LDS members who tend to actually PRACTICE their religion, and honesty in general; like Senate Majority leader Harry Reid, the late Frank Church,
whose committee exposed so much more corruption that watergate folks like Dickhead Cheney was involved in, and Senator Arthur V. Watkins who sacrificed his career
(or had it yanked from under him by simple-minded Utah-ians of the '60's) in order to kick Joe McCarthy out of the Senate - to whom I used to serve the Mormon Sacrament.
Dr. Steven Dwight Ferber, Ph.D. Chemistry, Howard University 2005
B.S. Chemistry, University of Virginia 1976