Erdogan was elected soon after the last major Earthquake ~ 20 years ago to a large extent in order to prepare for the NEXT completely expected major Earthquake.
Instead, he colluded with his corrupt cronies to manipulate the building codes so that they could throw up unsafe structures which often collapsed fatally upon the innocent people of Anatolia.
He destroyed democracy in what used to be Ataturk’s modern state with the excuse that excessive power in his hands would accelerate the “good” he could do for the country. His worship of Mammon (Greed) however only led his policies to provide extremely efficient means of enriching a few while damning perhaps half the 50,000 victims who may have survived the Earthquakes if only the responsible codes had been left in place, AND ENFORCED !
Such a hypocrite and enemy of the Turkish nation deserves to be investigated, prosecuted and punished by any just justice of Islam, NOT rewarded with further opportunities to restrict the rights & freedoms of the people and continuing to run Turkiye’s economy into the ditch of poverty for all except the Sultan & his Oligarchs.
Another example of this traitor to Mohammad's compassion has been his collusion with the mad man in the Kremlin who believes he is Stalin’s reincarnation trying to retake eastern europe into his domain who has sent the Wagner Death Squads to support the slaughter of the Syrian people as well as in numerous African conflicts and is now attempting to destroy or enslave the people of Ukraine.
Not all of those who claim to follow Allah show their true actions in the WORDS they cry at the top of their lungs in public, the hip-hip-hypocrites commit their evil actions out of the perception of the people. (Take this truth from those who have seen Donald, the Chump pervert what American should & could be - in collusion with “Vladimir - the Impaler of Democracy” Putin which Gorbachev, Shakarov & Navalny tried to guide Russia to become. Most interestingly Lenin himself saw Social Democracy as the goal of his eventual hope for the evolution of the Soviet State - which Stalin the fascist of course destroyed all hope of.)
Mr. Kilicdaroglu may not be a perfect leader at this point, but the fact that he actually believes in democracy & freedom puts him head and shoulders above the dictator who suppresses all hopes of the Turkish people today. Don’t despair, show up and vote for your future to be what it could and should be !! …and what I’m sure Mohammad would prefer: honest leadership over hypocrisy and oppression.
A Salam O Aleichem
from a fellow traveler with Islam who has read the Quran over three times & prayed with the Ummah for over thirty years at Dar-Al-Hijrah in Falls Church, Virginia
Dr Steven Dwight Ferber, Ph.D. Chemisty Howard University ’05
B.S. Chemistry University of Virginia ’76
2200 N George Mason Drive, #7123
Arlington, Virginia 22207 571-499-7153