One of the most telling disclosures in this fall’s debates came from bush when he made it clear that his foreign policy would not be concerned with any world events which did NOT involve America’s ECONOMIC interests! This means that, like his father (& Reagan’s regime) the mere fact that human beings are being tortured or murdered would be of no concern to a “Christian” like him. One must wonder what version of the Bible such Pharisees read. This is hardly new, however. The G(reed)O(iled) P(arty) has been the refuge of jingoistic twits for quite some time. Resident Bonzo, after all ran as an anti-Human Rights candidate who implied that such concerns for the THELORD’S downtrodden “weren’t going to kick America around anymore”. And, sure enough, within days of the Reagan/Bush election four nuns were raped & killed in El Salvador which became emblematic of the unleashing of Evil’s Death Squads throughout the world for twelve years, since they knew that no retribution would be forthcoming from supporters of Col. D’Abuisson, the Peng Deng DUNG gang (at Tiannamin square) and Burma’s SLORC shi(p). This follows in the tradition of perverting America’s principles for the interest$ of multi-national corporate mammon, as Nixon’s little demon, Pinochet, proved to ANY logical citizen. The anti-democratic (small d) government which Cheney served in also encouraged Israel to swing ever further to the right, by allowing LIKUD (fascist in Hebrew) to invade Lebanon where they paid great homage to Adolph Schickelgruber by murdering hundreds of unarmed civilians at the Sabra/Shatilla Death Camps (without any prosecution following). One is reminded of Y’shua’s warning about those who “... draw near (to THELORD) with their words, but are far away in their actions.”
These “Macro-Morality” themes may not come across as the traditional concept of personal “saintly-ness” which today’s right-wing (Corporate) owned Media defines as so important in our choice of World Leader, and if not, perhaps another New Testament line is salient. “They strain at (Clinton’s immature stupidity) gnats, while swallowing Camels (of Iran/Contra Treasons)” <Slightly updated>. The fact is, that in a Nuclear Age, the GREATEST SIN we could commit would be SPECIES-CIDE through the incompetence of so-called “leaders” from the anti-intellectual right. Personally, I can’t remember when I could have been so naive to imagine that a concept of a “Supreme Being” meant that such would be an enemy to TRUTH, which at today’s level of understanding may be quite a complicated reality. One only has to recall the senior bush’s administration’s call for a “LIMITED NUCLEAR WAR” (maybe by “just” wiping out the “Euro-theater” roots of our Society) to recognize how un-prepared the simple prostitutes of big business really are for the most responsible duties in world history. As another pal, Al (Einstein) warned after Hiroshima “Everything about this world has instantly changed, except how people think about it.” (Especially simpletons.)
As a student of Nuclear Arms Control and an educated scholar regarding Environmental destruction of what used to be our “Garden of Eden”, Mr. Gore is obviously the choice of any responsible citizen who would like to see this nation (& world) even EXIST after our short stay here ends, for the opportunities of posterity. Beyond mere survival, however, the greater threat to the future now lies in the poisoning of our air, water and food through the Republican’s mindless TRUE constituency, the Corporate drive for profit at any cost. This submission to blind greed is the true evil against even our common sense LOGIC. For, by nature, business can NOT afford to practice any long-term VISION (without which the people perish) if they are to maintain their viability a la the “next quarter’s profit margin”. Which is perhaps as the free market must be; however, when ALL power in society becomes invested in ONLY such short-term thinking (which is what a GOP government means), the long run perspective is lost and with it, the future. This is why it’s so crucial to balance off the obscenely powerful corporate might with an independent government who’s responsibility can pervade the entire reality of what will be beneficial to THE PEOPLE of this world (of which we will always be a part) over the expanse of the foreseeable future. For example, they say every “right” thinking person knows, of course, that GLOBAL WARMING is nay but a “Democratic plot”; the fact that the latest el nino/la nina cycle is the worst in recorded weather history doesn’t dissuade the brain-washed corporate serfs, does it? (what do Scientists know anyway?).
These macro-morality pre-requisites to a “normal” life here, include recognizing that (besides the obvious moral imperative to preserve human life/dignity wherever possible) when our policies murder innocent lives for the corporate imperative, there are consequences (even this side of judgement). After all, just “where do these TERRORISTS come from ?” one often wonders, if you’re as simple as the bush-league. Which, in an age where chemical/biological terror is right around the corner for the U.S., should not be thought of as merely “bleeding heart” compassion. Finally, any “just judge” God will not look kindly on any nation which self-righteously seeks perfection to the last jot & tittle of proclaimed “morality” within it’s borders while being responsible for mega-death amongst the world’s downtrodden masses when the opportunities to curb such are so obvious, and ignored. Or is Jesus a god ONLY for us in this one pampered land?
Another moral theme which cries out against the hypocrisy of the right involves the level of civilization in this land. Any investigation into the rate of murder/suicide via evil’s “weapons for cowards” - firearms - demonstrates that, contrary to the NRA’s lies, NATIONAL gun control does work throughout the continent of Western Europe and Japan, where citizens fall prey to death “too easy” (which kills before even a drop of blood is seen) at a level one-hundredth the sick reality here (where the whore’s of death claim that every street punk has the status of the National Guard!). Triple profit margins make “good business”, though in the scriptures I read there will be "Hell to pay" in the long run, (the real run).
The economic arguments are so obvious, one has to wonder WHY they have to be made in a nation with a “free press”. That is, if the major network “news” organizations wouldn’t LOSE their jobs, if they DID THEM, in an even handed way, after the “acquisitions” of the 80’s. An administration which has turned around an economy which was well on it’s way to hell in a handbasket after a decade of deficit spending which added more to the National Debt than had been accomplished in the previous two centuries, to the point where ALL debt can be repaid in another decade is precisely what any doctor of economics would order. The right wing’s tired trick of ballooning government spending by the (triple profit margin) military sector to artificially “improve” things for a little while is the only reason many people can be deceived into thinking they have any competence in this field at all (a rather higher price being paid by the troops who often die to justify periodic rapes of the treasury, as in ‘nam’s doubled loss after RFK’s hit, though now only “foreigners” die for such prosperity <year 2000>).
The simple fact is, that as long as the fiscally responsible Democrats continue to pay down our debt, the interest rates will stay low, and the potential for expansion without inflation will remain favorable. The obvious stupidity of returning to irresponsible “management” by throwing away the budget surplus to those who have threatened the economic future of this country through monopolization and “dis-investment” of extraneous parts of corporations like RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT (y’know the place where tomorrow’s products come from?) seems lost on those who have more dollars than <common> sense. (Makes it that much easier for the Europeans & Japanese to “eat our lunch” once the digitization productivity boon one-off has run it’s course). Another economic debit from right-wing governance may be in the increasing brain drain of the “best & brightest” from this country as the “liberties” which should be every American’s birthright is steadily eroded by the illegally packed (anti-)”supreme” court over the years 1987-1993 when a double impeachment’s replacements would have reflected the will of the people <much more accurately that the fourth reich's rubber stamp "court"> were the means of information (especially the network news) not prostituted to the extent that Benedict Arnold North was portrayed as a “marvelous boy scout” ("Mr. Goebbels goes to New York"). But who cares about intellect in this country after the DE-EVO-lution of the “American mind” under anti-intellectual twits like the Nixon/Reagan/Bush/Gingrich/Lot ? Not the shrub, that’s for sure!
The case of patriotism, as already alluded to is similarly suspicious in that, if the so-called “news” media here did it’s job half as honestly as it did in the 70’s or as the BBC does in Britain (or the CBC in Canada, etc.) there would be no need for an independent observer to point it out! To those who spend little time searching out the truth of things (which these days does require time, since the easiest sources seem wholly owned subsidiaries of the GOP, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the multi-national corporations) a couple of examples may suffice to demonstrate what prostitutes the “American journalist” has become. Thanks to the Reagan/bush stupidity in Lebanon of shelling the suburbs of Beirut (the sort of mass retaliation practiced by Hitler and Likud) we lost 241 of our bravest Marines one Saturday afternoon in the mid-80’s. However, the impact of such devastation was deceptively minimized by the sudden “emergency” of rescuing medical students from GRANADA (who according to n.p.r. were in no danger anyway) on the very next day, which meant that the troops loss (which occurred too late for Sunday’s papers) were effectively shuttled down the agenda of the “7 O’clock news” and newspaper headlines. NOW, did the “free press” follow up on this reality, this obvious manipulation of a foreign affairs disaster? <A blatant eg. of the "tail wagging the dog".> Not at all like they would have before these corporations “changed hands” in the 80’s (mostly to Defense Contractors, by coincidence). An even more glaring example of media perfidy occurred on that most infamous day of the Shuttle disaster. How many of you recall that the ORIGINAL import of that day was that Bonzo was to give a STATE-OF-THE-UNION-ADDRESS that night? Surprising, isn’t it, that such a curious “coincidence” of the launching on one of the coldest mornings in Florida history went forward over the objections of scientists/engineers right on the day scheduled for the GOP speech of the year? Even more surprising is the fact that, after the speech was immediately post-poned nobody in our “liberal-leaning” media seemed to recall what their original copy laid before them hours before had said! Certainly no one seemed to investigate such “synchronicity” at all like their JOB depended on it (more like they’d lose their job, if they DID IT!). But of course everyone knows the media is liberal, why we all “hear that on the radio/T.V.”!!!?
To the argument for patriotism. Clinton may indeed have been an imperfect vessel for prophethood, though I don’t think we really elected him on those terms, but is such human frailty (and perhaps a tendency to “low-ball” his guilt, after all, certain acts aren’t full human sexual intercourse, commonly considered the act of “sex”) really grounds for impeachment?? the standards used against Andrew Johnson, Most Europeans (& most of the rest of the world) many don’t think so. What would seem grounds for impeachment, prosecution and imprisonment might be trading COCAINE FOR CONTRA DEATH SQUADS which Reagan/Bush seem patently to have been guilty of. Especially if the reason for such actions were to DECEIVE the American PEOPLE into thinking that the Nicaraguan population were funding the contra criminals who were killing more civilians than combatants!! (operationally, death squads). The Iran/Contra-gate crimes, as documented by Special Prosecutor Walsh (who only scratched the surface according to Senator John Kerry’s “North notebooks & Cocaine” senate report & “former” CBS reporter Leslie Cockburn’s “Out of Control” book, an extensively documented expose) were, of course, swept under the National Security Blanket by George Bush senior ON CHRISTMAS EVE of 1992 when he pardoned Sec. of Defense Casper Weinberger just before HE would have gone to JAIL or begun “singing” about Reagan and Bush’s orders to pervert the U.S. Constitutional “Rule of Law”. Is there any more calculated perfidy to TRUTH than to PARDON YOUR OWN TREASON on the one night of the year LEAST LIKELY to be watched for “news of the day”? < - while, incidentally one is a “lame duck” president without any democratic (electoral) sanction possible? > Indeed, one could argue that Clinton’s greater treason was to NOT PROSECUTE this Iran/Contra manifold of high crimes & misdemeanors; since, like with the LAST Republican regime, so much more treason against “God & Country” was exposed by the Congressional investigation (the Frank Church committee) following the traitor's removal, and no doubt the iceberg beneath THIS “tip of treason” may have sunk very deep into American governance.............And, being UN-reformed, probably continues to rot through the “secret combinations” who now know they can “get away with treason” under any right - wing flock of trash. Although “wimpy willie” soon was duly rewarded for his attempt at “compassionate bipartisanship” through the destruction of all his hopes for progress, when the Insurance industry (y’know the richest corporations in the world, who got that way by not doing their job, “cherry picking the best, while leaving the rest”, instead of spreading the risk) and the anti-Hippocratic AMA turned the Congress into a whore-house & whore-senate for the last half decade.
The truth is, that one finds it hard to fathom how the Republican Party can be considered anything but the “Party of Benedict Arnold” after such destruction of the Constitutional Rule of Law for the dictatorship of men (who are puppets of mammon). Certainly, a “poor little rich kid” who never had to learn anything in his life (& obviously didn’t push himself in that direction unlike honorable men of wealth, eg. John & Robert Kennedy), and who has not renounced the treasons of the last three party-nominated GOP regimes (Ford was picked by the DNC congress, of course) hardly qualifies to be trusted with the keys to a dog pound, much less the “Nuclear Football” and supreme court appointments (by Jefferson). Otherwise, he’s still a “son of a bush”.
Another critical point about this year’s elections are, of course that even if this country has the common sense to choose the eminently better man for the executive, he may accomplish little if the leadership of the legislature stays in the hands of fools who’s only aim is to cripple the government of the people, so that the power of the Corporations (their REAL masters) continues to usurp what little “liberty” is left after two evil assassins and Khomeini’s ignorance of democracy “elected” three of the greatest enemies of the “land of the free”! {PAST TENSE used here deliberately} How the founders might be amazed that the true TYRRANY of this age arises from the “little shopkeepers”, some few of which now wield more power than most governments on earth, and that the only bulwark against THEIR oppression may lie with the government (if the people can see through the propagandized “news”).
Another sad footnote, of course is the blindness of Ralph Nader, who is a genius in detail, but apparently an idiot of the major realities. In this country, third parties can be excellent gadflies, but their real role is to expose support for ignored issues. The fact is, that Democrats can only “do the right thing” if they ARE CONSISTENTLY ELECTED. The longer the country votes as the corporate media tells them to, the more “moderate” the Democrats MUST be! However, to be divided & conquered by the “Greater Evil” is just playing into the Dictatorships hands! The real problem, dear Ralph is NOT with the author of “Earth in the Balance” but with the corporate control of how all progressive ideas are CHARACTER ASSASSINATED by the media tarts of the “Republicanized evening NEWS”. May he & his lemmings come to their senses NOW! <Of course Ralphy most stupidly did NOT, & will be seen in history as one of the Earth's destoyer's greatest allies , along with the retarded Arab-American group which refused Al because of his judaic side-kick, thereby empowering the hypocritical Israeli Right-Wing for another 8 years of oppresion of Palestine... how blind are the rascists.....on ALL sides. And how damned by Allah.>
Steven Dwight Ferber
Physical BioCHEMIST Doctoral Candidate
2116 South Second St; Apt. #8
Arlington, Virginia 22204
University of Virginia ’76